Away from home they were gone.
Far away where we couldn’t follow.
All that was left behind was a shadow.
Neck-deep we were in our sorrow.
The bridges were broken, like our hearts.
Peace was disturbed.
Nothing stirred.
Everyday, the sun came up shining bright
but today it was eclipsed.
Nothing could fill that empty void.
No one could disburden our grief.
When we lay the flowers and weep over their grave.
What is lost, won’t be found, so we hope for a new dawn.
Pray, all the pain and destruction go away.
That all our soldiers come home safe and sound.
This terrible ordeal.
This great affliction.
This bloodshed that is pointless, brings
all this sorrow for nothing.
While we lose more than we gain we shall learn that fighting isn’t the answer.
And when the incendiaries stop raining,
when peace shall triumph, then our lives shall flourish.